Viewing entries tagged with 'Berlin'
Eat Drink Man Woman
Having arrived from Australia life in Europe became a wedding marathon - so Yuki and me, we saw a lot within one month. Stop. Step by step:
The first week in Munich was rather slow and less sensational as it really took a whole week to get over the jetlag.
After that we were able to look around in Munich a little bit before we went on our way to Berlin for the two main reasons: first to finally meet my niece Leonie who was born in November last year while I was in Australia, and second ...
How to Install your Hammock
The last days I was visiting my brother and Miss Partykeller in their new habitation in Berlin. They live in Prenzlauer Berg which is a really, really nice place to be. Old building. High walls. Stuck. Good bars. Enviable.
Oh, concerning partykeller: there is a new weblog project she participates with design - let´s have a look in a few days on antville (read more) - but psssst! It´s still an insiders´ tip and you still get some nice names which are free, like: konfirm.antville, bonviv.antville, vac.antville, dist.antville, domin.antville, hydr.antville, fulmin.antville, hughgr.antville, hairimpl.antville, hubblesconst.antville, ignor.antville, intigr.antville, irrelev.antville, mut.antville, nonchal.antville, deodor.antville, powerpl.antville, pregn.antville, simul.antville, Stuyves.antville and a lot of other names.
While I was in Berlin I made an investment for life! I bought my first hammock. Not just any hammock as you can see in the picture, but a Columbian siesta hammock which is only available in a specialized hammock trade. Plus: an instruction sheet with invaluable hints like this one:
»Be careful: Never climb into your hammock feet first! The hammock will rock, you might loose your balance and fall. The easiest way to get into your hammock is to sit down in the middle of it and only then to strech out and lie down.«
Seems to be wisdom which was given from generation to generation. However, it´s tested, it works, it´s good! ¡Hasta luego!