Viewing entries tagged with 'Villa unter´m Hund'
Leaving the Villa
Last Tuesday I finally left the Villa unter´m Hund. Strange, strange feeling ... However, tomorrow I´ll depart to Melbourne for a semester abroad, and that´s what I call a great alternative. I´ll try to inform you on this website. I´ll (already) be back in the middle of January. Good bye so far!
2500 Pixels of Cliché

Next to which becomes 100 I become 25 years next Saturday. I did not really plan anything so far but I´m sure we will celebrate into the birthday on Friday. On Saturday there will be a beer-soccer match between the second and the fourth semester (this time also with a girl´s team). So whoever wants to visit me on May 24 or 25, set off!
Furthermore my days at the Villa are numbered. I will go to a semester abroad to the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Creative Media, in Melbourne, Australia. I will leave on July 16 until January 16 2003. I am very much looking forward to this. The university is a partner institute of the FH Vorarlberg, so I saw some impressing students works. The school really looks very promising. The semester ends on November 22, so I nearly have two month left to travel around there. I bought a digital ixus for daily snapshots, so I am sure you will find a more regular logging then. I just hope that my official letter of acceptance or enrolement will arrive soon from RMIT which I need for my student visum. I am still on tenterhooks because of this. Well, that´s the latest news so far. Sorry for the kangaroo, but I did not find a better cliché for Australia.
Villa unter´m Hund
Hallo an alle Intermedianer.
In aller Kürze: Wir, Andi, Bernhard, Edi und Anatol laden euch zu unserer Einweihungsfeier in die Villa unter´m Hund in der Wiesenstraße 8 in Dornbirn ein. Das Fest ist am Freitag, den 20. Oktober, am Abend. Das ganze wird leider ein bißchen was kosten (100 öS), um unsere Unkosten zu decken.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn ihr kommt.
Bis dann!
Day One
I´m finally here in Dornbirn. On Sunday we moved in our house in the Wiesenstraße 8. What happened so far? Jam sessions in the kitchen, strange experiences in our toilette with this "LSD trip design wallpaper" (wait for my pictures) and a hangover on the first day of studies. In about four weeks we will have a party in our new house. The studies? It´s a bit early to estimate this, but I know for sure what it will not be like: Honiglecken.