
Viewing entries tagged with 'animation'



My first 3d-animation is done. Rendering time had a maximum of about 52 minutes per frame - total 3 days of rendering. I don´t have any more time to write about it now, but if you are curious: here is the file: kubrism. Enjoy! (I am not sure if I compressed it correctly for the Mac - I will care about this next week.) Today I will go to Offenburg for a house-warming party.

Immer wenn ich denken muß tut mir mein Kopf so weh*

Biene MajaThe Biene Maja tv series got it´s 25th anniversary. Happy birthday! And best wishes to Willie who got the courage to say one of the most beautiful sentences (*) in television history. tv-tip: Die lange Biene Maja Nacht, in the night from Saturday 8.9.2001 to Sunday, 1.10 am on ZDF. 17 episodes. bzzzzzzzzz!

Papal Bowling

walkcycleSome nice games found on idleworm. Next to the animations and games there are also two animation tutorials on how to animate a bouncing ball and the more complex walk cycle. Following a few links I also found the the animation learners site, a quite detailed tutorial on drawn animation and animationmeat, a site with notes from professional animators, model sheets and good links.

Am I Wrong?

Am I Wrong?Partykeller seems to have a comeback after more than two month! Very fine. I already gave up hope and took my farewell speech. As usual excellent links on this weblog like this tasty movie (9 MB!). For the lucky fellows who got a fast internet connection: here is the better quality 30 MB file.

Director´s Cut

dfilmYesterday I found a long forgotten site. On dfilm it´s you who is the director! Alien meets Amor for a true romance. But wait until the Texan Cowboy wants his BBQ. This is not enough? So be the director of your life with the life simulator. (via partykeller)

Mr. Man Revisited

Mr. Man

I revisited some sites with fine flash movies today. Let´s start with some great surreal stuff. Here are my two favourite Mr. Man Episodes: shadow and dream (could be my dream) by Steve Whitehouse.
Then I found this interactive neverending prison lunch on bullseyeart. If you think that this was already too weird you should not visit Shinji-San and loose your mind on this 3 MB trip. Now how about a tragic romance with Jack and Jim to calm down again. Or maybe a game? Hmm, I wonder if I should add a link section to my site.

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