
Viewing entries tagged with 'blogs'

Geschmacksverirrungen im Land der Belanglosigkeiten

»... hier gezeigt, wie die Leere des Hirns visualisiert werden kann. Topmodel Nugob hat seine schauspielerischen Kenntnisse demonstriert und zeigt uns "den-Blick-ins ...« -Google

Hello again after a pause of logging which was longer than intended. As I see there are more and more links to - very nice to see this reaction. And not all are like the one above on (formerly known as "die Seite des guten Geschmacks" - I still don´t know if he´s serious, otherwise one of us does the wrong cours of studies). Well, Le Sofa Blogger kicked me out again from their linklist - caused by my lazy logging? Maybe. Sorry for that, but I´m currently working on some other projects at the moment. Coming soon to a server near you.

Am I Wrong?

Am I Wrong?Partykeller seems to have a comeback after more than two month! Very fine. I already gave up hope and took my farewell speech. As usual excellent links on this weblog like this tasty movie (9 MB!). For the lucky fellows who got a fast internet connection: here is the better quality 30 MB file.

--*^v^v^v^ ~~auweia~~ ^v^v^v^*--

Oh you my Partykeller, source of inspirations, you seem to run dry. Why did there fall this deep silence on you? Why so surprisingly unexpected? Not even a farewell letter you left behind. We are in deep sorrow - haaaaaalllllllooo, ist da jemand?

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