
Viewing entries tagged with 'demo'

Bushtrommeln ...


... in Berlin (via girlscamp). In diesem Sinne ...

Tasty Icons

tasty icons

A short resumée of yesterday´s demo. There took part 358 websites of which about 70% changed their start site for one day with a banner to the demo site. seems to be contented. But now to something completely different: Tons of icons on iconfactory. Hmm. Lecker! Reminds me of mediensalat where I will go to next week.

Demnächst in diesem Theater

net demoComing soon: on February 2nd there will be a net demonstration against the Austrian governance, "blau-schwarz", which exists with it´s current cast FPÖ and ÖVP for about one year, since February 4th 2000. So for one day this website will be replaced by a demonstration banner.

Heute wegen Gerichtsverhandlung geschlossen.

Yesterday was one of 2371 websites which were closed. It took part in a German internet demonstration on the occasion of the trial for the freedom for links.

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