
Viewing entries tagged with 'me'



Just live: Dipl-O-Matic

This website records the progress of my Master of Art & Design Project at Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand.

The website attempts to demonstrate the entire development of the project through notes, theoretical and practice-based means, contextual, theoretical and methodological research procedures, visual experiments, etc, up until the final practice result and exegesis.

The navigation is set up in form of a timeline that visually represents the progress of the project in different areas. Tags and categories allow deeper cross-linking and context-based structuring of the content.

For more information and a more detailed description please visit Dipl-O-Matic. The site will be updated frequently.


I, Robot


I just came across a really nice game today: Machinarium. A little roboton a big adventure. This is a nice little point and click adventure game with very beautiful design made in Czechoslovakia.

Funny enough I could say the exact same thing about a game called Little Wheel, except that that's from Slovakia. Both are definitely worth a look. I wonder which was first.

Little Wheel

The Rabbit

The Rabbit by Rosalie Osman

Sweet. The animation The Rabbit by Australian animator Rosalie Osman is now available online. I love it. And a very nice style, too. Thank you for letting me know about the update!



I hardly ever play Flash games, but this one got me hooked: Cyclomaniacs

The gameplay couldn't be simpler: cycle, jump and spin. You get extra boost for stunts (sommersaults and wheelies), access to new levels and cyclists if you accomplish special goals (finish in 60 seconds, do 3 forward sommersaults, etc...) and with price money you can buy speed, acceleration, spin etc... Overall there are 20 cyclists on different bikes and all of them behave differently and are more or less suitable for each of the 26 different tracks.

And in a strange way one of the cyclists, Farty Pants, strongly reminds me of my former animation teacher Mr. Felix – now out and about for the last 6 years or so cycling Southeast Asia.

Here is a little Making of... from the developers of the game.

Highly recommended, especially if you actually have tons of more important things on your plate!

Portfolio Relaunch

Just gone live: my new and completely revamped portfolio. Visit the site at

Rosalie Osman

I came across this animation showreel by Rosalie Osman. I love the style and the stories look very interesting, but there's only one film out there to watch completely: The Kitchen Drawer

I would be quite keen to see her other works:  Bibliomania and The Rabbit.

More Stuff on Things


British artist Banksy: great graffiti and other art. Silly, political, pop culture or a great comment on modern life. We need more of this!


Banksy - Sale Ends Today

Sale Ends Today

Banksy - I am Your Father

... I am Your Father

Read the full post

NZ Moodle Moot 2008

I just came back from an excellent Moodle Moot conference in beautiful Napier. Moodle is a free open source e-learning environment which is widely used and developed by a strong community. I particularly enjoyed that it was a really casual and friendly 3 day event. I am sure I can bring a lot that I learned at the conference back to my job. Getting to know other people involved also is a great motivation to actually contribute to this open source project. I am glad I did not miss out this year.

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