Viewing entries tagged with 'research'
Just live: Dipl-O-Matic
This website records the progress of my Master of Art & Design Project at Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand.
The website attempts to demonstrate the entire development of the project through notes, theoretical and practice-based means, contextual, theoretical and methodological research procedures, visual experiments, etc, up until the final practice result and exegesis.
The navigation is set up in form of a timeline that visually represents the progress of the project in different areas. Tags and categories allow deeper cross-linking and context-based structuring of the content.
For more information and a more detailed description please visit Dipl-O-Matic. The site will be updated frequently.
I came across a really useful software today: Zotero.
It helps to collect, manage, cite, and share your research sources. Basically it's a Firefox browser addon that can store sources and make it easy to organise them. If you are looking for a book resource you can simply go and find it on e.g. Google Books, Amazon or many other pages and save the source with a single click. You can then easily cite and Zotero creates the bibliography with your desired bibliography style. It's as simple as drag and drop and it works across many different applications.
There are also Zotero plugins for Word and Open Office.