Viewing entries tagged with 'robots'
Incredibly Strange: Movie Marathon 09
It seems I survived the 24 hour Incredibly Strange Movie Marathon over the weekend. Here is the lineup:
The Secret Four/Kansas City Confidential (1952)
(opening sequence)
Zombieland (2009)
Road House (1989)
Forbidden World (1982)
Vice Squad (1982)
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Maidens of Fetish Street (1969) part of The Abnormal Female
(Couldn't find a trailer but here's a photostream on Flickr)
Mill of the Stone Women (1960)
Night Train to Terror (1985)
(Watch the trailer here.)
The Visitor/Stridulum (1979)
The Informant! (2009)
Creature From Black Lake (1976)
(Couldn't find anything on this film.)
Howling II: ... Your Sister Is a Werewolf / Stirba: Werewolf Bitch (1985)
Commando (1985)
That's all folks.
Including some very short breaks it lasted about 25 hours nonstop.
Here are the instructions for this year's movie marathon:
And if you still don't have enough here are some trailers for the Movie Marathon itself. Enjoy!
A million thanks to Ant Simpson and everyone involved for a fantastic weekend!
I, Robot
I started to work on a new animation. Above is a visual test of the protagonist (see the large version). It's more than likely that the look will change completely but I somewhat like this still. It could make a good flyer as it is but the style will probably not be expressive enough for character animation.
For those who are interested in the tools: The robot above was made from scratch in the free open source software Blender, the halftone texture on the robot comes from a PyNode Script for Blender by T.K., backgrounds are put together and modified in Photoshop.
The story is complete (but I won't spoil it here). It will be a rather short animation, yet I expect it'll still take me quite a while to complete because I have a lot of stuff on my plate right now.
Best Viewed with Open Eyes
»Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. ... Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.«
- Herman Göring
It´s very unpleasant for me to quote this Nazi and I don´t intend to place anyone on a level with this ideology. However, it shows once again how simple the basic rules for propaganda are and how it works over and over and over again. For all who want to know the basic propaganda recipe to understand what lies beneath the news we are fed with and for all who aspire a job in the propaganda machinery of which country ever I highly recommend War, Propaganda and the Media.
The following is an exerpt from The Pure Essence Of Stupid and quotes Chris Mathews in his MSNBC talk show, 'Hardball.' in talk with Jed Babbin (former Undersecretary of Defense in the first Bush administration), December 9th 2002 (via Media, Propaganda and Iraq):
Matthews: »Shouldn't he have to show evidence? You're acting like it's a question mark. Isn't it necessary morally and politically and historically for this president to show his own people and the world he has evidence of weapons of mass destruction before going in?«
Babbin: »He has no obligations like that, Chris. This is not a trial. This is not a legal proceeding. This is a matter of national survival and national security.«
Matthews: »Well, how do the American people know that there's weapons of mass destruction in that country if the president can't show them there are?«
Babbin: »Because they trust their president. When he gets up, as he will soon, I believe, and tells them that they do have all the evidence that they need to proceed on Saddam's weapons.«
Matthews: »OK, so it's on his say-so. We're going to war on the president's say-so.«
Babbin: »That's the way it always is.«
I wish you all a nice week.
Don´t beat around the bush
A nice and idiot proof message for those you don´t like. I hope you don´t need this link too often. (via p3k)
Les Misérables
A nice smorgasbord on robots:
»Als Descartes der Königin von Frankreich erkären wollte, daß alle Tiere nur Maschinen seien, zeigte diese auf eine Uhr und antwortete: 'Sehe er zu, daß sie Junge bekommt.'«
So now what? Here we got some definitions about our artificial intelligent friends:
»The Encyclopedia Galactica defines a robot as a mechanical apparatus designed to do the work of a man. The marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation defines a robot as 'Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun to Be With.' The Hitchhiker?s Guide to the Galaxy, however, defines a robot as a machine built by humanoid ape-descendants as a result of their insecurity about being the most intelligent creatures they are aware of.«
Rambo IV
»Wir kommen euch holen, und mit uns kommt die Wut der Hölle«.
- Charles Norwood (republican party), 15.9.2001
Come on! Are you politicians or what?
Interesting what people are concerned about right now.
Handle with Care
»die kriegserklärungen wurden von der bevölkerung aller beteiligten länder mit einer begeisterung aufgenommen, für die uns heute jedes verständnis fehlt. auch in deutschland strömten die kriegsfreiwilligen nur so zu den meldestellen. man glaubte der krieg werde in wenigen wochen siegreich beendet sein.«
- that was then, that was world war 1.
(via p3k, like most of the last days links)
»CNN using 1991 footage of celebrating Palistinians«. Is this a baseless rumour? I don´t know, but media are to be handled with care these days.
»fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity«