Viewing entries tagged with 'website'
Just live: Dipl-O-Matic
This website records the progress of my Master of Art & Design Project at Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand.
The website attempts to demonstrate the entire development of the project through notes, theoretical and practice-based means, contextual, theoretical and methodological research procedures, visual experiments, etc, up until the final practice result and exegesis.
The navigation is set up in form of a timeline that visually represents the progress of the project in different areas. Tags and categories allow deeper cross-linking and context-based structuring of the content.
For more information and a more detailed description please visit Dipl-O-Matic. The site will be updated frequently.
Yet Moving
Actually I did find the time and updated this website to the latest stable version of Silverstripe which was smoother than expected.
I've moved this and a few other sites to a new server. It's probably about time to also update the content management system (CMS). This site runs on Silverstripe which is still an amazing CMS, but more up-to-date versions are much better on the resources (especially on memory) and have many other improvements. Plus I'm much more familiar with the system now. So if I find the time...
Portfolio Relaunch

Just gone live: my new and completely revamped portfolio. Visit the site at
Samoa Teaching Resource
I just noticed that a Teaching Resource on Samoa for Primary and Intermediate schools that I developed with others is now available online. The resource was originally developed for distribution on CD-ROM, so images and pages are not perfectly optimised for the web.
A technical note: The site makes use of a completely different style sheet for screen and print, and for a good reason, too: The resource should be available in most possible formats, i.e. online on screen or via video projector, or from CD-ROM if an internet access is not available in schools, or as a print-out if computers are not an option in classrooms. is Dead, Long Live!
Welcome to the new face of!
This is my first major update of this website since 2000. is now powered by the Silverstripe Content Management System and Framework and had a complete makeover.
May the old site rest in peace. I still like the previous design, but after 7 years I thought it was time for a change.
Spending some part of my last two weekends I finally managed to bring my diploma thesis online. It's a »Manual for Story and Character Development with a Guideline for the Realization as Animation«.
It's quite large (the book has 200 pages) and some people asked me to publish it. So I thought a online version might help to get it a bit more public. Maybe it's of some use for you.
Now having made your mouth water here comes the drawback: It's in German only. (Sorry.)
So for those of you who speak German, take a look at
For those of you who speak html, the code is absolutely pure and clean W3C-conform.
I updated my portfolio with my latest projects today.
Just online: the website for the yachting club »Ammerlander Segel-Club e.V.«. It comes with my all new content management system »Rapid-O-Mat« (PHP and MySQL), and a member login. It will still take some time for the authors to add content and for the whole site to get alive. I am looking forward to see it growing.
»Rapid-O-Mat« got a lot of improvements compared to my old content management system. It got more functionality, is more userfriendly, got less limitations, is easier to customize (which was the main reason for me to write it completely from scratch instead of just updating my existing system), and it finally got a name! I really want to update this homepage to the new system (once I got some time left). But that's gonna have to wait.