Hurra-Patriotismus in Schlumpfhausen
Everything you always wanted to translate but were afraid to ask. Try to save face while you ask for the translation of Standardisierungsparadigmenwechsel (my secret favourite of words having more than ten syllables). However, I still don´t know the translation of 'Gehörschutzpfropfen'. But that's another story and shall be told another time.
It´s also interesting which topics people were most concerned with this year. While 'Nostradamus' dwarfes 'The Lord of the Rings' it´s questionable, however, to place Bin Laden next to Eminem and Michael Jackson in the cathegory "top 10 men". Pop-star culture or bad choice?
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Das ist die beschissenste und geschmackloseste Seite, die ich kenne, auf die du da linkst. Spars dir doch in Zukunft. Trotzdem ein schönes neues Jahr.
Posted by Anatol, 04/01/2002 7:54pm (23 years ago) rish
schrift zu klein bitte brillen-download
Posted by der fabrikant, 03/01/2002 10:04pm (23 years ago)
I just failed to get a result for translation of my favourite cocktailpartysmalltalk-boosting job title translated to standard Oxford English: Weltsystemanalytiker.
Trust me, there are some people (mainly at the vienna university) who title themselves like this, but even google doesn't seem to know something about them.
Perhaps one day nugob will run an enquiry on that. Promises to be interesting...
Posted by #tim, 28/12/2001 6:17pm (23 years ago)