Alles hat seine Grenzen: Airport Hong Kong
just a few words about my flight to Melbourne, Australia:
railway Munich - Frankfurt: 4 1/2 hours
flight Frankfurt - Hong Kong: 11 hours (that's where I am now)
trespassing stay in Hong Kong: 15 hours
flight Hong Kong - Melbourne: 10 hours (in about 2 hours, the local time is ca 8 pm)
We were not in Hong Kong today because we didn't sleep for more than 24 hours now (but we will come back here in about half a year for one week). Sky: cloudy and grey, but 30 degrees and a horrible humidity (is this "Luftfeuchtigkeit"? I can't look this up right now). Waiting, waiting, waiting (not funny). English-Chinese keyboards which I am not used to: I write this on a free internet access in the airport of Hong Kong, that's why I can't post any pictures right now. But actually everything just runs fine. The next article will come from Melbourne. Bye.
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Hab ich's mir doch gedacht,
das da bei den Chinesen die Internet-Terminals nur so rumstehen! Wie gesagt: Ich beneide Dich nicht um den FLUG (...nur um das restliche halbe Jahr!) Wenn ich heute abend das letzte Bier augetrunken haben werde, solltest Du endlich in Melbourne angekommen sein. Was ein Flug! War zwar in der Zwischenzeit selber in München, Berlin und Cottbus aber MIT schlafen. Jaja. Mach's gut, bis bald,
Posted by Tibor, 17/07/2002 8:25pm (22 years ago)