Viewing entries tagged with 'study'
Just live: Dipl-O-Matic
This website records the progress of my Master of Art & Design Project at Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand.
The website attempts to demonstrate the entire development of the project through notes, theoretical and practice-based means, contextual, theoretical and methodological research procedures, visual experiments, etc, up until the final practice result and exegesis.
The navigation is set up in form of a timeline that visually represents the progress of the project in different areas. Tags and categories allow deeper cross-linking and context-based structuring of the content.
For more information and a more detailed description please visit Dipl-O-Matic. The site will be updated frequently.
Spending some part of my last two weekends I finally managed to bring my diploma thesis online. It's a »Manual for Story and Character Development with a Guideline for the Realization as Animation«.
It's quite large (the book has 200 pages) and some people asked me to publish it. So I thought a online version might help to get it a bit more public. Maybe it's of some use for you.
Now having made your mouth water here comes the drawback: It's in German only. (Sorry.)
So for those of you who speak German, take a look at
For those of you who speak html, the code is absolutely pure and clean W3C-conform.
Magister Nugob
Now comes to an end what started about four years ago: On Wednesday, September 22nd 2004, I had my final exam at uni, that is the presentation of my diploma thesis, it´s plea and the two courses »Human Machine Interface« and »Project Management«.
My diploma thesis is called »RALPH«. To be more precise, it is a »Manual for Character and Story Development with a Guideline for the Realization as Animation«. The bad news: it´s only in German. You can download RALPH in a printerfriendly version (low-res pictures only to keep the filesize at handy 1.3 MB).
That´s all for now, although I really have to update this page. So much happened: What about the wedding of Yuki and me? My holiday in Tokyo? My latest animation? My conclusion of four years of studies in Austria and Australia? What will happen next? All those questions will be answered soon, but I don´t have the time right now.
Stay tuned.
Digital Sushi
On January 22nd there will be the first filmfestival of my uni: digital sushi. There some short films which were created by students will be screened. Among them is The Robbery which I made in 2003 at Creative Media, Melbourne.
The festival is located in the Conrad Sohm club, Dornbirn, Austria. Entrance time is from 8 pm and it will start at around 9 pm with a party afterwards. The cost is 5 Euros minimum, the proceeds will be distributed to Licht ins Dunkel, an organization for social projects.
So if you feel like it and you are around then, just come over. I am sure it's gonna be a nice evening. And, hey, it's the Austria - actually the Europe premiere!
The Robbery
This is the protagonist of my new animation »The Robbery«. Handdrawn again, because I prefer the style to vector graphics. It was the major project here during my stay at Creative Media, RMIT university, Melbourne. The originally planned 2 1/2 minutes grew to a 5 1/2 minutes epos, however, I enjoyed the work - although, as usual, I guess I can´t see it any more for the next few months. If I got the muse then I´d like to change the voices which I am not so happy with - but I just didn´t have enough time left to do so before the due date.
Thanks to Moira Corby, Aaron McLoughlin and Felix Hude (whose advice to "drop every concept which is deep and meaningful" had quite a big influence on this work).
So, please enjoy: »The Robbery«
By the way, I shrinked the filesize of my first animation, Café IMPERIAL to much nicer 10 MB instead of the more than 20 MB before. No quality loss.
I finished my first (handdrawn) animation in November 2002 at Creative Media, RMIT university.
Special thanks to Felix Hude.
The story in brief: An ignoring waiter and an unfriendly customer is enough to make a situation delicious.
Now you can watch Café IMPERIAL online.
Melbourne Part 2
Some snapshots of Melbourne city, Flemington (the district where I live now), some people I live with and some fellow students.
The Evil in KeRMIT
Now what´s that? Another beamer obviously was stolen from 6th floor of our department creative media at RMIT university (piece of evidence A). But the offenders left clear marks.