Viewing entries tagged with 'web design'
Just live: Dipl-O-Matic
This website records the progress of my Master of Art & Design Project at Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand.
The website attempts to demonstrate the entire development of the project through notes, theoretical and practice-based means, contextual, theoretical and methodological research procedures, visual experiments, etc, up until the final practice result and exegesis.
The navigation is set up in form of a timeline that visually represents the progress of the project in different areas. Tags and categories allow deeper cross-linking and context-based structuring of the content.
For more information and a more detailed description please visit Dipl-O-Matic. The site will be updated frequently.
Be Careful What You Wish For
I'm usually not the biggest fan of Flash sites but this one blew me away: Coraline
Also, the film is absolutely brilliant and it really annoys me that I missed the 3D screening in cinemas. I hope that one day I can make up for this. Perfect stop-motion animation and a beautiful dark story.
Here is the trailer.
Portfolio Relaunch

Just gone live: my new and completely revamped portfolio. Visit the site at
Six Browsers You Don't Need (but Can't Avoid)
It's always the same ... you create a neat web design with clean html and CSS and it looks just the way it should, then you test it on Browsershots and realise that it looks absolutely perfect except (and without any exception) in all versions of Internet Explorer prior to IE7. I wish I would not have to burn my lifetime with these kind of problems – even a grey, cold and rainy Monday in November is more fun than to find workarounds for Internet Explorer.
Even though Browsershots is probably the best free service available for cross browser webdesign it does not help much to actually work on a CSS file and check it in real time. Fortunately I found a multiple IE installer that installs IE3, IE 4.01, IE 5.01, IE 5.55 and IE 6.0. You still need a Windows PC, but it's probably a good solution for a lot of web developers/designers.
I really don't like IE hacking, but from my experience it works best to make a clean html/css template that works well in all other browsers plus IE7 and then apply a conditional IE style sheet or make a few adjustments in the original CSS file if it requires just a minor tweak.
While I really would not bother too much with anything below IE5 (especially if it's a pure CSS design) I now still have six browsers installed that I don't need and IE8 is on it's way – I wonder if Microsoft will ever bite the bullet and go with the standards it so successfully ignored for more than two decades.
Samoa Teaching Resource
I just noticed that a Teaching Resource on Samoa for Primary and Intermediate schools that I developed with others is now available online. The resource was originally developed for distribution on CD-ROM, so images and pages are not perfectly optimised for the web.
A technical note: The site makes use of a completely different style sheet for screen and print, and for a good reason, too: The resource should be available in most possible formats, i.e. online on screen or via video projector, or from CD-ROM if an internet access is not available in schools, or as a print-out if computers are not an option in classrooms. is Dead, Long Live!
Welcome to the new face of!
This is my first major update of this website since 2000. is now powered by the Silverstripe Content Management System and Framework and had a complete makeover.
May the old site rest in peace. I still like the previous design, but after 7 years I thought it was time for a change.
Ui! Version 8.0 of selfhtml is out now with a lot of additions like the new xml chapter. When I read sentences like "... richtet sich nicht an Leute, die mit dem Anspruch antreten, alles fertig vorgesetzt zu bekommen..." (on target groups) I wonder why a section like ready-made layouts was necessary. However, it´s a great documentation which is absolutely worth downloading (hey, it´s for free if you wish!). On second thoughts: in all likelihood without this documentation by Stefan Münz neither this page nor any of my projects would exist and I would do anything now - but not my current course of studies. Thank you very much.
A new project of mine is online (well, actually for about one month. I did not mention it because the url is still a temporary solution): achwelle, our students radio which broadcasts every week for about half an hour (except during vacations). If you don´t live in Vorarlberg and so you cannot receive the broadcast on Wednesdays at 22.03 pm on 98.2 MHz you should be able to download it as mp3-file or to listen to it via audio-streaming (which still seems to cause problems) in the archive. I hope you enjoy the project.