Beached at Australian shores (reprise?)
So much to tell ... and still not enough time. Sorry for that. I think I have to take a whole day off in order to get this page a bit more up-to-date.
In brief: Yuki and I went back to Australia. This time it´s Sydney. At the moment we live in Kenneth Street, Tamarama, just between Bondi and Tamarama Beach. However, before you just come over and knock on my door, you should better give me a call. Everything is changing so quickly these days. For my phone number, etc., please check my contact details.
I currently work at Idatso, sharing my working hours and so with my big boss, Hans The German (they are everywhere), aka »That Huge Guy«.
Well, the latest news: I lost my long hair, I found some new glasses and currently I consider myself to be a non-smoker.
And I found some new dodgy t-shirts during our one-week stopover in Japan (if you care at all, see the picture on the right).
Of course there´s more, and of course that will have to wait once again. Sorry for that.
To be continued ...
Post your comment - Ohowovisu <a href="">Okepiuko</a>
Posted by ujxolupufaz, 25/04/2021 3:32pm (4 years ago)
Das Bogunat ist weg!
Hallo ihr Beiden, schön mal ein Lebenszeichen zu lesen, auch wenn es von sehr weit weg hierher klingt.
Viel Glück und Spaß auf der Kugelunterseite,
Se MAsta
Posted by Se M., 18/08/2005 9:57am (20 years ago)
Was hast Du denn da
für komisches Zeug drinstehen?
Schonmal den Stadtplan rangezoomt? Ihr seid bereits eingetragen :-)
Grüße und auf bald
Das Brüderchen
Posted by tibun, 25/07/2005 11:20pm (20 years ago)