Viewing entries tagged with 'blogs'
Moving Across
I still like my blog page here for nostalgic reasons, but by now I have pretty much moved most things over here to Google Plus.
Love, Hate and In-Between
"Hate is an interesting thing - it drives us as much as love, although in this beige world of ours it’s more Poodle to talk about aversion, viz.;
Person 1: I say, chap, I’m feeling a strong aversion to having my personal boundaries penetrated forcibly by your good self!
Person 2: Thanks for sharing."
– Mr. Felix in The Hall of the Mountain King pt. 4
As always: delightful and painful, funny yet disturbing, fact and fancy. There were quite a few updates recently on Mr. Felix' blog: At the Back of the Green Gibbon (AKA, AKA Pak Peelips).
Reading it always makes me feel to just drop everything, abandon everyone and go on a long journey, avoiding to define a clear destination. The journey is the reward. At the same time, however, it makes me appreciate everything I have and do and cherish everyone I value in my life. In other words: it confuses me in a very entertaining way, entertains me in a very confusing way and goes so far as to make me face myself, evaluate my life and accomplishments and either question or affirm my future plans. What else could I expect of good literature? Thank you, Felix!
If that blog should ever become a book, may I suggest this title: Pak Peelips – "New Records of a Floating Life".
Double Shift
About three weeks ago I moved up from Nelson to Auckland for a new job at the University of Auckland. For all those of you who know neither Nelson nor Auckland I should probably mention that I migrated from Germany to New Zealand about one year ago (with some detours over Australia).
Since today my domains and are also located in New Zealand. It just makes things easier for me.
One thing I realized just before is that there seems to be a problem to comment articles at the moment. I will fix that later.
I hope I will finally find some time soon to upload some pictures from all the places I have visited so far in New Zealand.
The Lone Cyclist
»With my life a smoking ash-heap, I left Australia in July 2004 resolved to ride until I found a reason to live again - the lost divine spark.«
- Mr. Felix
And he is still pedalling.
If you ever have some time available (yes, you do!), it's very rewarding to read through Mr. Felix' weblog.
An excerpt:
»On his search, Mr Felix has ridden through Hell, died in the bathroom, been visited by the Ghosts of Lovers Past, fallen down a mineshaft and most surprising of all, found the Green Gibbon. It?s now 5 in the morning, and he?s on the roof of his hotel in Narayanghat, taking a tea break and thinking about how all of this started.«
Curious? Same here! Read on ...
Cheers Felix! May the wind be at your back, mate! And may the spark go off one day.
Say hello to Mr. Pumpy.
2500 Pixels of Cliché

Next to which becomes 100 I become 25 years next Saturday. I did not really plan anything so far but I´m sure we will celebrate into the birthday on Friday. On Saturday there will be a beer-soccer match between the second and the fourth semester (this time also with a girl´s team). So whoever wants to visit me on May 24 or 25, set off!
Furthermore my days at the Villa are numbered. I will go to a semester abroad to the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Creative Media, in Melbourne, Australia. I will leave on July 16 until January 16 2003. I am very much looking forward to this. The university is a partner institute of the FH Vorarlberg, so I saw some impressing students works. The school really looks very promising. The semester ends on November 22, so I nearly have two month left to travel around there. I bought a digital ixus for daily snapshots, so I am sure you will find a more regular logging then. I just hope that my official letter of acceptance or enrolement will arrive soon from RMIT which I need for my student visum. I am still on tenterhooks because of this. Well, that´s the latest news so far. Sorry for the kangaroo, but I did not find a better cliché for Australia.
Der falsche Film

Was war denn da los, Herr Jindrich?
How to Install your Hammock
The last days I was visiting my brother and Miss Partykeller in their new habitation in Berlin. They live in Prenzlauer Berg which is a really, really nice place to be. Old building. High walls. Stuck. Good bars. Enviable.
Oh, concerning partykeller: there is a new weblog project she participates with design - let´s have a look in a few days on antville (read more) - but psssst! It´s still an insiders´ tip and you still get some nice names which are free, like: konfirm.antville, bonviv.antville, vac.antville, dist.antville, domin.antville, hydr.antville, fulmin.antville, hughgr.antville, hairimpl.antville, hubblesconst.antville, ignor.antville, intigr.antville, irrelev.antville, mut.antville, nonchal.antville, deodor.antville, powerpl.antville, pregn.antville, simul.antville, Stuyves.antville and a lot of other names.
While I was in Berlin I made an investment for life! I bought my first hammock. Not just any hammock as you can see in the picture, but a Columbian siesta hammock which is only available in a specialized hammock trade. Plus: an instruction sheet with invaluable hints like this one:
»Be careful: Never climb into your hammock feet first! The hammock will rock, you might loose your balance and fall. The easiest way to get into your hammock is to sit down in the middle of it and only then to strech out and lie down.«
Seems to be wisdom which was given from generation to generation. However, it´s tested, it works, it´s good! ¡Hasta luego!
Hatte Gorby Loewen?
Some questions just raise incoherently. The headline of this article is just an anagram of Yet Another Weblog (YAWL), a fine weblog by Timothy - who is a fellow student of mine - where I found the link to an anagram generator. Having stopped in Munich for two days last weekend now he should be anywhere in eastern Europe on his interrail tour. Bon Voyage!