
Winter´s Almost Gone

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Or so we hope. It was a really nice Sunday yesterday. Actually I wanted to go to Sydney this weekend, but we have to do a lot for next week. However, I had to find out that good intentions like 'Yes, I will work for university this weekend...' don´t differ from the very same intentions while studying in Austria. I.e: the weekend is a weekend is a weekend is a weekend is a weekend... I still have a lot of things to do.

Blue Sky

The sky is just too blue to work. And it´s gonna be worse. Officially spring starts at the end of August. A few more pictures:


Hard-working Pushp.

Three Neighbour Boys and Yuki

The children from next door and Yuki.

Andi and Me

Andi and me.

Yuki and Me.

Yuki and me.


Tim and his all-purpose camera.

200ft Pushp




Window and Newspaper.

The shadows are still getting longer very early. I am looking forward to spring and summer very much. I hope you have a nice summer (now) back in Europe.


to be continued...

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der realitaet ins auge blicken...

hallo ihr unentwegten 'down under'!
danke, fuer euer nettes tagebuch und die impressionen.
ich find's toll, dass ihr so optimistische einstellungen gegenueber dem winter in melourne habt. aber eins ist sicher: so richtig warm wird's erst anfang november, leider.
gruesse aus der schlucht
von inge ***

Posted by Ingeborg, 26/08/2002 2:49pm (22 years ago)

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