
Déjà Vu

shared accommodation, Melbourne

That´s my new Villa now. A nine students shared accomodation. Not all rooms are filled by now, but the semester just started and soon there should arrive some more people. All are quite nice here, so I really already feel at home. The only problem: there is not a heating here either: »Nachts ist es kälter als draußen« has a meaning here indeed.

door, Waltham Street, Flemington

Moving in on Thursday, just one week after our arrival. My new address is:

Anatol Bogun
59 Waltham Street
Flemington, Victoria 3031

phone: +61 . (0)3 . 93 76 07 31
(8 hours time difference, so please if you want to call me don´t make your call at 8pm cet, here it would be 4 in the morning)
see also contact


blossoms in the Melbourne winter

Appearances are deceptive: these are photographs from our garden which I just made to show-off... Actually it´s damn cold ...


... even if you don´t believe me ...

a tree in the garden

I took this one sitting in the garden.

a view out of my window

This is the view out of my window over the street.


Very important in »Villa Down Unda«: the kitchen. Who ever was in the Villa in Austria will feel familiar with this one.

kitchen from a messy angle

Just one thing I am not satisfied with (but I will solve this problem soon): there is no coffeemaker here. To wake up costs the double effort.

food and pots

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Comments - Eumase <a href="">Ualexel</a>

Posted by epiegnu, 16/01/2022 2:24pm (3 years ago) - Ituweqnex <a href="">Llaqog</a>

Posted by eviqiqekoba, 16/01/2022 1:42pm (3 years ago) - Irmerodov <a href="">Ugoawokux</a>

Posted by uregakuriwve, 16/01/2022 1:24pm (3 years ago) - Evoloal <a href="">Ejogowu</a>

Posted by uqenajeki, 16/01/2022 1:12pm (3 years ago)

Kaffe aus der DannerWG?

Hi Anatol! Sieht gut aus was du da treibst. Wir hätten da noch eine Kaffemaschine aufm Balkon in der DannerWG. Kommst halt bei Gelegenheit mal schnell vorbei ;-) Beste Grüsse aus Dornbirn und alles Gute! Kurt & Yoda

Posted by Kurteee, 31/10/2005 9:32pm (19 years ago)


kann es sein das die küche noch in karneval stimmung ist...? ;-)

Posted by Cédric, 24/10/2002 10:09pm (22 years ago)

Shmekt gut! Ya!

»Nachts ist es kälter als draußen«
In English, this means: The nights are as cold as beer!"

Posted by Felix, 21/08/2002 12:48am (22 years ago)

Well done budy!

hi anatol!

this is Pushp here. ur house mate. good to see our house on net. i think doctor must be very happy after lookiing at it! i know that we r still together here 5 more months but after that my this note will remind u about me. finally i just want to wish u goodluck for ur fututre budy. all the best.. VB...... campai!

Posted by Pushp Deepak Rana, 19/08/2002 11:02am (22 years ago)

Ja, ja, die Kaffeemaschine!

Hi Anatol; schon gemein hier in Dornbirn zu sitzen und gerade einen Kaffee aus DEINER Espressomaschine gedrückt zu haben, während Du am anderen Ende der Kugel sitzt und hilfloser Kaffeearmut ausgesetzt bist. Du hättest dein Gepäck doch anders einteilen sollen! Aber egal, war sowieso nie das wichtigste Getränk der Villa und das andere Zeugs gibts sowieso Weltweit in großen Mengen. Diese Küche soll also angeblich 'gleich gemütlich' sein wie die Villa? Jaja, die Zeitumstellung; Bemerkenswert finde ich nur die abschäulichen Girlanden die überall in der Küche hängen; Hut ab, zeugt von einem wirklich tollen Geschmack der Australier.
Schöne Ferien -ups- ...

Posted by Se MAsta, 10/08/2002 12:48pm (23 years ago)

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