


Spending some part of my last two weekends I finally managed to bring my diploma thesis online. It's a »Manual for Story and Character Development with a Guideline for the Realization as Animation«.

It's quite large (the book has 200 pages) and some people asked me to publish it. So I thought a online version might help to get it a bit more public. Maybe it's of some use for you.

Now having made your mouth water here comes the drawback: It's in German only. (Sorry.)

So for those of you who speak German, take a look at

For those of you who speak html, the code is absolutely pure and clean W3C-conform.


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finally, he got it!


Posted by Roman, 15/09/2005 12:54am (20 years ago)

Don't believe this guy!

THIS PAGE IS NOT HTML 4.01 Transitional as it claims to be!
<tr> needs child element!
Anatol is no HTML-purist but a HTML-rapist!

Schöne Grüße an die Aussie-Fraktion aus dem auf die Wies'n wartenden München!

Posted by Roman, 06/09/2005 5:54pm (20 years ago)

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