The Robbery
This is the protagonist of my new animation »The Robbery«. Handdrawn again, because I prefer the style to vector graphics. It was the major project here during my stay at Creative Media, RMIT university, Melbourne. The originally planned 2 1/2 minutes grew to a 5 1/2 minutes epos, however, I enjoyed the work - although, as usual, I guess I can´t see it any more for the next few months. If I got the muse then I´d like to change the voices which I am not so happy with - but I just didn´t have enough time left to do so before the due date.
Thanks to Moira Corby, Aaron McLoughlin and Felix Hude (whose advice to "drop every concept which is deep and meaningful" had quite a big influence on this work).
So, please enjoy: »The Robbery«
By the way, I shrinked the filesize of my first animation, Café IMPERIAL to much nicer 10 MB instead of the more than 20 MB before. No quality loss.
»The Robbery« screenshots and technical information:
filesize: 14,7 MB
length: 5' 32''
format: quicktime movie
video: Sorenson Video 3 (476x357 pixels)
audio: MP3
Thanks to Markus Kellow for the composed music. I enjoyed that session.
So far. Bye!
Post your comment - Ofaruduo <a href="">Ekatoacee</a>
Posted by eluxefofe, 14/06/2022 4:08am (3 years ago) - Iyumove <a href="">Osaqidua</a>
Posted by uwapifihup, 20/05/2021 4:57pm (4 years ago) - Awoqeqi <a href="">Odukadeg</a>
Posted by odotaciva, 20/05/2021 4:44pm (4 years ago)
Hello Anatol, Greetings from planet Markus1
I enjoyed that session aswell.
A wonderful challenge!
We need to meet so as I can obtain an oficial copy of this work.
I hope you are not to busy with the stuff you dont like and very busy with that of which you love.
All the best and contact me!!!
Posted by Markus kellow, 10/08/2003 6:40pm (21 years ago)
Die Begeisterung ist ganz auf unserer Seite
Lieber Anatol, Phil und ich sind absolut begeistert, Philip als AudioMensch besonders vom editing und dem Sound. Deine eigene Kritik an den Stimmen können wir nicht nachvollziehen. Suche dir ein paar geldige Leute und mach nur noch son`Kram. Signor Rossi versus ein Münchner im Himmel ist treffend erkannt von Deinem Bruderherz. Will DVD !!!!!!!! Jubel Applaus Ehre Huldigung! Als Synchronsprecher bist Du schon engagiert, kein Zweifel. Ein Dickes Bussi aus Minga von Phil und Jerk
Posted by Jörg, 05/07/2003 6:23pm (21 years ago)
toll, einfach toll.
Posted by robert, 01/07/2003 3:12pm (21 years ago)
Bald auf DVD???
Echt genial, perfekte Abwechslung zum ueblichen Praktikantendasein. Bitte mach mal einen acht Stunden Film, damit ich die komplette Arbeitszeit beschaeftigt bin. Warte schon gespannt auf den naechsten Film ;-)
Posted by Ein Villote, 01/07/2003 3:01pm (21 years ago)
Es geht! Ja ... na und? Kannjamalpassierndasmansowasaberechtjetzt- menschpeinlich.
Posted by Name sag ich nicht, 01/07/2003 11:50am (21 years ago)
How to download "The Robbery"
Either control-click (Mac) or right-click (PC) the link and choose from the popup menue something which sounds like "download link to volume", "save link target as", etc ... - depending on the browser.
Posted by Anatol, 01/07/2003 7:55am (21 years ago)
superklasse anatol!
gratulation zum gelungenen <I>gustostückerl</I>
Posted by claudia, 30/06/2003 8:02pm (21 years ago)